my professions

The Lentil

By: Vasiliki Flevaraki


  1. Read the first paragraph of the story.
  2. Try to translate it as best as you can.
  3. Click the "Translate" button to see the translation.
  4. Listen to the video on the right to hear me read the story with proper pronunciation.
  5. Continue through the entire story!
Μια ηλιόλουστη μέρα, μια φακή βγήκε βόλτίτσα στη λαϊκή.
One sunny day, a lentil went out for a walk to the flea market.
Είχε πόδι χοντρό και μαλλί μακρύ και ξανθό.
She had shapely legs and long, blonde hair.
Μόλις την είδαν την έβαλαν πάνω στο πάγκο για να πουληθεί.
When they saw her, they placed her on the sales table to be sold.
(the sales people in the flea market)
Ενώ τα παιδιά που την κοίταζαν όλα καλά-καλά.
While all the kids stared, they couldn't believe their eyes.
(kala-kala is a common expression in Greece to show surprise or being startled)
Την φαντάζονταν όλα, μέσα στη κατσαρόλα!
They all imagined her into a pot!